Saturday, September 8, 2007

So it goes

This morning I taught an advanced art class to two girls that I used to babysit years ago. We had such a fun time. They are such "kindred spirits" even if they are some 15 years younger than I am. On the way home, my car died while I was going 60mph down Oracle. It has actually died quite a few times while I've been driving, but I usually just start it up again. It finally dawned on me that I shouldn't be driving around a car that could stall at any minute. It's actually quite a praise that nothing bad ever happened. I had it towed back out to Fred's in Catalina and walked home. I was able to eat dinner with my whole family (Dad just got back from Mexico this afternoon), so all in all it has been a wonderful day. My family let me borrow a car for now, but I have no idea what I'm going to do for transportation. I try to make good decisions when it comes to cars, but I seem to find a way to keep throwing away money. Still, I'm not worried, just a little curious.

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