Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rainy Saturday

What a beautiful morning! It's raining and I'm sitting here in my pajamas drinking tea. I just got a new George MacDonald book in the mail from Johanneses Printing and Publishing. (Robert Falconer). This is what they say. - Century-Old Literature that transcends time, culture and history stimulating higher, nobler and purer thinking. It's true. The moral atmosphere is healthy and deep in the reading of his books. I am never as strong, or wise, or hopeful, as when I am reading one. Another book that was like that for me was Jane Ere. It's a dream of mine to illustrate one of MacDonald's books. I discovered a potentially wonderful thing about myself. I am deeply affected by the things I read and watch and listen to, and by the people I'm with and the things we talk about. The great thing about this is that all I have to do to "stimulate higher, nobler, purer thinking" is to bring into my life noble things.