Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Wow. I just came home from the store with more fruit than we could possibly consume before it goes bad. That, and stuff for root beer floats! I had three new students come to art class today. It was a fun, crazy class and it makes me so happy. Lisa and Jessica will be in town for Marie's wedding. I'm so glad to see then both again. Lisa will be off to China, but Jessica will be doing her residency in southern California. It is my goal to see her often before she too is off to China. Last night the arts group from my church came up with a great project idea. I'm pretty excited about it, but I won't explain it just yet. I'll end this meandering post with a resolution. I want to find a really great Christian biography soon. Few things in my life have been as inspiring as the biographies I've read. Suggestions? I wonder if the public library would have any. I re-discovered the library the other day. Lots of great movies and music along with endless resources for my projects with the kids.

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